It's a snow day! I like these because I am forced to sloooooow down. I try on other days, but it is hard sometimes, two kids, business, hubby, house, groceries, etc...etc to deal with. All which bring me much joy!! I feel so blessed and I hope you do too! I have great friends, a romantic, intelligent, amazing husband and my kids are crazy fun! My "job" is one I am very passionate about! I love what I do!! As I stare out the window and watch the snow fall, I am wishing you all peace & love & happiness in a world that lets us down. Look for the good in everyone and everything. We are not mistakes, we are here for a reason. God made us with a purpose. So, I urge you to say goodbye to any hate or judgement you are carrying and let it go. We are all wonderfully made and Special! (i sound like a weirdo teacher, dont i?) Anyways....Happy Happy Christmas to EVERYONE!!!